Remember the days where boosting your Instagram following was as simple as following large amounts of users and liking 100 photos every hour? Those days are long gone my friends, and Audience Engagement has triumphed as the new Growth Hacking Meta.

Jade's Method to Growth Hacking

Essentially, Growth Hacking is executing uncommon tactics to grow something. That something being your object. Objectives can range to growing conversion rates of sales, clicks to landing pages, and more. But for simplicity sake, we will be discussing primarily increase your following on Instagram since a great deal of Audience Engagement, Brand Building, and trying to up your sales have placed Instagram as the new platform of choice. 

Jade strikes together a compelling point. The algorithms are constantly changing. The same techniques no longer work, and old school Content Marketing heads have to adapt to stay afloat within an ever changing industry. 

Audience Engagement works. It really does. Sure, its easy to pay a monthly subscription for a bot to go in, create thousands of ghost accounts to follow your main account, like all your photos, and give you the illusion of excellent outreach. But in reality this is detrimental to your Brand's trustworthiness, and honestly, if you're looking for sales, you're not going to be able to sell your product or brand to bots. You need actual organic followers who will interact with your platforms, create your earned media, and become your Evangelists. 

Lets say you have your Brand, or your Product, and you're trying to stimulate curiosity within the community related to your goods. Jade recommends to do a little research, and find Brands, Influencers, and Companies already established and shoot them a message.

Collaboration is Key. If you swear by your own brand, and you know what you offer has good utility or is entertaining, then you have nothing to worry about. Your product will speak for itself. 

The key is to acknowledge their accolades, express your passion and desire to be in the same industry, and see if you guys can work together to create something lucrative on both ends. The main focus here is the Cost Benefit Ratio, albeit it is not particularly related to Content Marketing, a great deal of psychology and communication tactics go into pushing a product. Especially when attempting to sway your Target Audience or Niche. 

If your collaboration will benefit these individuals you contact, they will definitely be more than willing to play ball. You just have to bring your A-Game to the court and show them your utility. 

The Negatives: 
No response.
They might see you as a threat and scramble to make their product more innovative than yours. 
An Increase in competitive business

The Positives: 
A chance to create a conversion stemming from their followers. 
Organic Presence and following. 
Increase Brand Trustworthiness.
More leads to your landing pages. 
Increased chances of useful product or brand testimonials. 
Siphoning some of their Evangelists and creating them as your own. 
Create competitive recognition between Brands. 
Product Collaborations (Think Supreme collaborating with competitor brands like North Face and Highly acclaimed brands like Louie V and Gucci.)
and More

So there you have it. 
Drop the bots, Stop doing Follow for Follow, stop liking 100 photos every hour, and overall, just keep it honest. Let your Brand and Product shine through and speak for itself. Your in this for Longevity, and you best stick to your guns. 

It's a tough marketing wild west out there, Keep your guns locked and loaded guys. 

Next week I'm calling out someone who flips houses who calls himself the "Clever Investor." Why am i doing this you ask? Well, i was looking at a few of his recent posts and I've noticed something fishy in regards to the users commenting on his posts within the first few minutes. I will elaborate next week. 

We'll make a sharpshooter out of you yet!

Interested in finding out more about the topics listed? Check out the links below:

Or you can go out and do your own investigating on the multi-platforms. Search for the hashtags before to see first hand how others are capitalizing off this knowledge: 
