Small amount of salt before beginning: Recently I read an article on Content Marketing Institute titled "No Celebrities Required: How to Create Great Influencer Content," but what they fail to elaborate is that these Influencers are actually the celebrities of social media. Creating good influencer content needs the proper story and branding to back that content. Even more so, its per case and objective basis. With the amount of impact that these individuals can generate, its clear that further distinction should be given. While they did offer pretty good insight into leveraging benefits to get one on board, what their article failed to recognize is that each Influencer is placed in different Tiers, so approaching them with offers like potential exposure through different outlets would be better catered towards those in lower tiers. I'll make a detailed article with links to back my rebuttal next week. Anyways, without further adieu, let's brush the salt off the table and get started. 

You've probably opened your suggested feed in Instagram only to find recommendations from Musicians, Makeup artists, to Gym clothing brands like Aesthetic Revolution. But what you’ve also noticed is the overwhelming increase in so-called “Entrepreneurs,” or “Influencers.” Relating to the likes of Grant Cardone and Gary Vaynerchuk, several like minded individuals have begun to flourish: Most notably the young marketing guru Gerard Adams. Similar to Gary’s claim to dealing in the business of Empathy, Gerard has put fourth his bid by dawning the mantle of what he calls The Millennial Mentor. With Content Marketers and Social Media Marketers beginning to rely heavily on Influencers to push advertising campaigns and products, its about time you got well acquainted with this heavy weight. 

In his earlier career, New York native Gerard became known for co-founding Elite Daily: the news and media platform catering to Millennials. It was through this publication that he undoubtedly became a multimillionaire, and amassed his dedicated audience. It wasn't long before other began to take notice of his reputation and progress; Eventually selling off Elite Daily for a respectable $50 Million dollars in 2015. 

Proceeding to validate his recipe for success, he took to Instagram as his Platform of choice with one goal in mind : "Leaders Create Leaders." This stapled slogan soon became his trademark as he began to realize that helping others through Mentorship. His noble endeavors lead him to recruiting a team of like minded individuals to create Fownders.

By doing a quick search, you can easily spot Gerard Adam's presence on the internet; Stumbling across his website, the description reads that Fownders is "A learning ecosystem built for entrepreneurs who want to develop the skills needed to align their purpose towards a prosperous career and lifestyle." In order to stimulate my curiosity, i began to research into is content. I was blown away. While his pursuits and success have become notable, what exactly makes Gerard a force to be reckoned with?  His content. 

When comparing him to a Quick Draw marketing guru Gary Vaynerchuk, the resemblance in methods begins to become uncanny. The only difference being in target audience. Gary focuses on the average person, compelling them to push themselves and take risks to venture into the world of business, Where as Gerard focuses on placing young entrepreneurs into accelerator programs and teaching them how to advance with what established clout they already have. See video blow to catch a glimpse of his world:

Like all successful businessmen with an Instagram, Gerard posts pictures of him living lavishly, reveling in the brilliance that his life has become and the hard work to took to achieve it; Pairing said content with quotes or words of wisdom. But what really blew me away was an up close spread of buckshot: the quality of his story telling. Every good content marketer who dabbles in Social Media knows the difference between a precision sniper shot of content that's attractive, enticing, and inspires a call to action, versus content that misses the mark due to poor aiming and lack of recoil compensation. Gerard's videos are high quality, tell stories, and offer this aura of empowerment that insights the feeling of " know what? I can do this too. I can live my best life, and take my current side hustle to even further heights." 

With the younger generation becoming more inspired by the day, hopefully we have more like minded pioneers in the world of like Gerard Adams. But be warned, there's a lot of competition out there. If you decide to take on the mantle, you better be ready to have your army of followers and audience ready to deploy, and that content locked and loaded. Who knows, if your Content's up to caliber, you wont have to find Gerard Adams, he might just contact you

Our verdict: 3 / 3 Shells

The man's content is up to Caliber.

Didn't spot the hyperlinks embedded in the article? Looking to get connected with Gerard Adams?
Check out the links below:

or easily spot his content or his audience by searching for hashtags: